We Offer A Personalized Treatment Plan
Created for Each Patient

Our spine, the literal ‘back bone’ of our body. 

It’s made up of a chain of bones and discs, ligaments, and nerves and provides the main support for our entire body. Any injury that occurs in our spine can be the cause of limited mobility and pain.

Mike helps a patient stretch his hamstring to relieve back pain

Mike helps a patient stretch his hamstring to relieve back pain

When you have acute or chronic pain in your back everything becomes more difficult. It can be hard to have patience when you have chronic pain. It’s often difficult to do your job comfortably as maintaining one position for a long period of time can be painful. Even doing things you really enjoy such as spending time with your kids is tougher when you are dealing with pain. Compounding the issue, the longer we experience pain the more common it is to experience depression which makes everything even more difficult and discouraging.

At Hingham Physical Therapy we have many treatment approaches that can:

  • Improve mobility

  • Decrease pain from muscles spasming to try and protect the painful area

  • Improve posture, lifting techniques

  • Provide ways to improve sleep, and more. 

We treat the cause of the pain—not just the pain itself. You are not alone and the majority of the time these injuries are managed successfully without needing invasive surgery.

Some of the diagnoses people suffer from that can cause pain or difficulty include:

  • Degenerative disc disease

  • Muscle strain

  • Sciatica

  • Radiculopathy (pain radiating down an arm or leg)

  • Spine Disorders

    Please note that this is not an exhaustive list.